Now I know everyone wants to see pictures of us in Mali, but to be honest, we have been too busy to take them yet. Plus, the Internet is incredibly slow, so it takes a long time to upload any photos. So, to satisfy your appetite for now, the following are some pictures of us in the couple of weeks leading up to our Peace Corps service.
Here are the two of us moving out of our apartment. It was a long and tiring day. This picture was taken after about half of our stuff was already out the door!

A Before and After shot of Joye's new Peace Corps haircut! The lighting is pretty bad on the second picture, so be sure to check out other pictures that "put her hair in a better light." :) Personally, I think it's really cute.

Joye and her brother Scott in front of Independence Hall in Philly. Scott came down from New York for the day to hang out and graciously buy us a wonderful dinner.

Joye and I pushing our way through the crowd to stand in front of the Liberty Bell. While touristy, seeing the historic sites in Philly was a great send off to the Peace Corps.

We hope to post some Mali pictures soon, but with us leaving in a couple days for our homestay training, it might not honestly happen for a couple of weeks. But never fear: the pictures will come!
Also, thank you for all of your comments. It's gratifying for us to know that people are actually reading. :) Have a good night.
Joye! your hair is adorable! Hope Mali is going well! Praying for you both!