Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pictures: Peace Corps Training

As requested, here are a few pictures of our first few weeks in Mali. Sorry it took us so long to post. We’ll try to post pictures more frequently. Let us know if there is anything specific you are hoping to see!


Training 004

A view of the Niger river from right behind Tubaniso.


Training 010

Jim peaks out from the nyegen aka the classic bathroom here in Mali.


Training 011

Our “hut” at Tubaniso. After homestay, we were SO excited to get back here for a few days :)


Training 014

This is one of the hangers at Tubaniso where we have had cultural/safety/medical training.


Training 022 Jim working on his community gardening skills during homestay as part of technical training.


Training 025 Joye outside of her homestay house with the neighborhood children.


Training 039 

We climbed up some of the cool rock formations and got a great view of the landscape on Joye’s 23rd birthday.


  1. I really, really appreciate your blogs and pictures. Hearing from you and seeing your escapades are very comforting. I am extremely proud of both of you!! It is also nice to know the peace corps has been "a tight ship" thus far. That is comforting as well. Love you both!!

  2. Jim and Joye,

    It is so nice to hear from you!!! I think about you two often. I hope you continue to enjoy your adventures. I'll be praying for you!


  3. Are you both fried yet?!

    It looks like you're having a great time, it's wonderful to hear about all your adventures. We've decided to move to California - quite a transition as you know, but not quite as drastic as yours! We'll be praying for you. Enjoy your new adventure.

    Seth and Lauren

  4. Really admire the roof construction on that hut. Are the rocks to hold the roof down?

  5. Yes mom, Mud bricks actually that but its sturdier than it looks...I think :)
