Dear Family and Friends,
Sad update: earlier this week Peace Corps made the decision to evacuate its volunteers from Mali, putting an early end to all of our two-year services. Though we have been safe, the recent military coup, instability caused by economic sanctions from neighboring countries, and fighting of MLNA and AQIM in the north has convinced Peace Corps administration that it is unwise to continue operations in such an unstable environment. To give you an idea of the gravity 0f this situation, this is the first time in its 41 years of operation that volunteers have ever been evacuated from Mali!
Therefore, with 1 day to say goodbye to our village, we packed up our possessions and were flown to another country today for a 4 day transition conference. It has been an exhausting and very emotional last few days. However, once we gather our thoughts we will write a more thorough explanation/reflection of the unfortunate events of this past week. Please keep Mali in your prayers. We hope that this wonderful peaceful country can soon return to a stable state which would allow aid organizations to continue to operate here.
(NOTE: Please do not send any more packages to our address here as we will not be able to receive them)
~Joye and James
Marita and I are glad to hear you both are well, and that the unrest in Mali hasn't directly reached you. I know that Closing of Service (leaving PC service) is quite an awkward experience and often rushed end to getting to know fantastic people over the course of two years, and I can't imagine what 1 day trying to do so would be like. Best of luck to you both in your rushed end to your service.