Sunday, July 29, 2012

Update: Back and Forth, Twice.

In the past two months, we have driven from Kentucky to Michigan and back, twice, and all for very different reasons. Searching for an apartment, writing a thesis, moving, and vacationing have kept us too busy to write a blog… until now.

KENTUCKY: We mentioned in our last post that we spent a few weeks in Kentucky in May, house-sitting for some friends while finding an apartment of our own. What we did not mention was that I also had the privilege of going to Washington DC to speak at a Peace Corps sponsored kick-off event for a global partnership between USAID and Peace Corps focused on food security. Speaking on a panel to a crowd of a few hundred Peace Corps employees and other public officials, I shared some highlights of the food security work we were doing in Mali, including our task force. In addition to reconnecting with my former supervisors from Peace Corps Mali, I also met many international development professionals, including Peace Corps Director Aaron Williams (left in first picture) , who surprised me by telling me that he used to be a Peace Corps recruiter at Alma College, our undergraduate alma mater.

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MICHIGAN: We then drove north, and I then spent the next two weeks subletting a room near Michigan State in order to work on my Master’s thesis. Naively, I’d hoped to finish it, but I didn’t even write a word. Instead, I spent the time meeting with professors, reading dozens of academic papers, and changing my thesis topic every other day. It was miserable, but my last day there we came up with an idea that is new, relevant, and feasible. Maybe another day, I’ll write a blog about what my thesis is about… but I’ll skip it for now.

KENTUCKY: On our next trip south involved a rental truck full with everything we owned, which was only a small storage unit worth of cardboard boxes. We moved into our apartment and discovered quickly that about half of these boxes were college textbooks, and that it did not include any furniture. So while Joye prepared for pharmacy school and I wrote my thesis, we also procured a mattress (our first with box springs), couch, television, and dining table (no chairs yet). While all this was accomplished during a heat wave, at least we got to enjoy the beautiful lawn outside our apartment window and a little creek nearby.

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MICHIGAN: To beat the heat, we then travelled to northern Michigan to spend the 4th of July in my hometown of Harbor Springs, a coastal community on the shore of Lake Michigan with a population that quintuples every Independence Day with a crowd wearing khaki shorts and polo shirts. When we weren’t relaxing at the beach, we helped my folks clean out the house as they too are moving. As it was probably the last time we will visit Harbor Springs for a while, it was nostalgic week, but one that was filled with plenty of new memories.

KENTUCKY: And finally, we returned to our apartment in Kentucky today - already it feels like home. The next chapter of our life is set to begin. I will be officially starting work at the University of Kentucky next Monday as a research economist, and Joye begins classes next month. Soon we will start speaking with a drawl. While this will be very different than how we were living only a few months ago, it is a welcome change, and after so much travelling we are excited for some routine – though who knows how long that will last.

I hope this catches us up. Thanks for reading.

-James (& Joye)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Reflection: The List Blog

Since returning and starting to reflect on our service, a lot of people have asked us, “Was it worth it? Would you do it again? How was it?” Though we believe it was worth it, its always a hard question to answer because, as anyone who read our blog knows, it was a challenging experience that was a lot different than we ever imagined it would be. Indeed, summing up the complexity of our experience and what we’ve learned into any one post or conversation has proved a challenging task. However, just brainstorming made us realize how many interesting competencies we have now that we lacked prior to Peace Corps.  So instead of trying summarize everything, we started putting our memories into lists. Here’s a few that we thought you all would enjoy:


Skills we’ve attained in Mali:

  • How to eat rice and sauce with our hands and not make a mess
  • How to make Urine Fertilizer, Natural Mosquito Repellent, Soap, Improved Nutritious Porridge, Moringa Powder
  • How to speak in Bambara and greet in Mianka
  • How to live without electricity or plumbing …the key : a quality headlamp
  • How to purify unsafe drinking water
  • How to poop in a hole and take a bucket bath(these are both acquired skills!)
  • How to outrun a rainstorm (though I feel like ‘monsoon’ describes it better)
  • How to self-diagnosis and prevent malaria, amoebic cysts, bacterial dysentery, giardia, dehydration, skin infections, and malnutrition
  • How to maintain a vegetable garden and compost when it only rains 4 months a year
  • How to stay cool in the heat (i.e. wrap yourself in a large wet piece of cloth)
  • How to tie a turban and a wrap skirt (pagne)
  • How to cook  Toh, Rice and peanut sauce, Rice and onion sauce
  • How to make flour tortillas by hand and from scratch for amazing quesadillas
  • How to plan meals when you have no refrigerator, and access to fresh produce only once/week
  • How to kill a Scorpion (James’  weapon of choice: a hammer)
  • How to kill a rat roaming through your house (James’  weapon of choice : a wooden club)
  • How to smile and tell a mother how beautiful her child is when its peeing all over my brand new clothes.
  • How to give an impromptu speech in a foreign language
  • How to deal with everyone staring at you….ALWAYS
  • How to, as a woman,  lead a successful meeting involving 25 village elder men who do not respect women
  • How to be a self-starter and work in a totally unstructured environment
  • How to do my laundry by hand (and not get made fun of by the locals)
  • How to strip a dried fish of its bones in order to get a small amount of protein in your diet
  • How to transport myself + 100 lbs of luggage over 7 km using only a mountain bike
  • How to appreciate, SO MUCH,  the importance of what I used to label “boring” topics like malnutrition and maternal health 
  • How to bargain like a local (i.e. telling the vendor he eats beans in multiple scenarios)
  • How to build a mud-oven, albeit a bad one
  • How to identify at least 20 varieties of African trees
  • How to pull down a ripe mango that is 40 ft in the air, and then cook and can mango jam
  • How to build a school out of mud (using only string, a measuring tape, and an old notebook as a straight edge)
  • How to plant trees without rain
  • How to kill, pluck, and clean a chicken
  • How to position rocks on your roof so it doesn’t blow away in a rain storm


Things Jim has transported on the back of his bike: at one time  and over 5 km

  • 25 meters of metal fencing
  • 2 live bunny rabbits in a cardboard box
  • 1 full propane tank (100 lbs)
  • a huge green suitcase (think of the largest luggage that you can check on a plane)
  • 3 flat-rate postal boxes full of American food
  • A 6-foot shovel
  • A pumpkin
  • Countless bags of clothes
  • A 5-foot diameter bundle of thorns
  • A 13-year old-boy acting as a guide
  • A freshly butchered leg of lamb (ok….this one was only 1 km, but it was memorable!)


Proudest Accomplishments

  • Learning a new language
  • Completing 56 Radio Shows about Health, Agriculture, and Education
  • Biking 40 km roundtrip just to buy some lettuce so that we could make BLTs with the bacon my mom sent
  • Promotion of the 3 Malian food groups, training women to make healthier food for their families, and watching the health of a few children improve
  • Growing Sweet Corn during Hot Season and presenting it to a very surprised village chief
  • Advocating successfully for the superintendent to send high school teachers to Kongodugu
  • Watching our village unite around the idea that they had power to improve their own schools, and subsequently build 3 mudbrick classrooms with only some help from Peace Corps
  • James’ sustainable collaboration with his work partner : the fact that he continued the tree-planting project, distributing 2000 trees to 10 villages, without him is just so exciting.
  • When our neighbor said “You guys are different, you two are married AND you’re friends. If I get a wife, I’d like her also to be my friend.”
  • Baking Applecrisp in a mud oven for James’ 24th birthday.
  • Getting everyone in Kongodugu to refer to us as “American” instead of “Toubab”.
  • Re-writing the “Ant and the Grasshopper” fable into “The Bee and the Wasp” and broadcasting it to a Malian audience (with rave reviews in return) in order to promote the values of an independent work ethic over dependence on hand-outs.


Certainly these are the more positive lists, and those of you who have spoken to us know that we faced quite a few disappointments and challenges while in Mali that are not reflected here. However, with God’s help and the prayers of our family and friends, we do feel that our experience was very positive and taught us so much about development (…more on that later!).

Thanks for reading!

~Joye (& James)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Travel: Istanbul, Turkey

As many of you know, our original close of service date was June 23rd, but was moved up when we were unexpectedly evacuated due to a military coup. It was a stressful and emotional time, as we traveled to Ghana for a post-evacuation transition conference, and tried to figure out logistics like travel plans and where we were going to live and work once we arrived back in the States.  We were exhausted at the thought of planning a vacation on top of everything else we were going through, but we did a little research and decided that we just couldn’t pass up the inexpensive tickets from Accra to Istanbul. James, who had interned for a semester in Rome, had always dreamed of visiting Istanbul, which, like Rome, has visible layers of history. Hence, it was decided: 3 days in Istanbul, then home.

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Because, Istanbul has been conquered by different empires throughout history, it is a city of 3 names : Istanbul, Constantinople, and Byzantium. Therefore, it is an amalgamation of cultures and history. We visited the Hagia Sophia, which was the largest building in the world for 1000 years. It was built as a church and later turned into a mosque by the Ottomans, so it has this strange blend of Christian and Islamic art throughout its interior.

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The architecture in the city was unbelievable. We visited the underground cisterns which, admittedly, reminded us of the Mines of Moria from Lord of the Rings and the famous Blue Mosque. We also climbed the Galata Tower for a great view of the Bosphorus, the river which divides the city. Istanbul is an extremely modern western city with McDonalds, Burger King, and Starbucks all very easy to find. For American friends looking to try out an exotic vacation spot, but worried about choosing something too out of their comfort zone, we highly recommend Istanbul.

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One of the most amazing thing about Istanbul, Turkey is that it sits right at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, literally. One side of the river is Europe, and the other side is Asia! As we toured the Topkapi Palace, home to the Ottomans, we were amazed that the treasures and artifacts on display rivaled those of the Louvre. Simply by being in the middle of the two continents, they had treasures from China and  Hungry to Saudi Arabia and England. If you do go, don’t miss out on the jewels and the armory—Amazing.


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The food was also absolutely delicious, and extremely inexpensive in US standards ($2-4 for a sandwich). The streets smelled of kebabs and everywhere you looked, they were selling Turkish Delight and Baklava. One evening, we treated ourselves to moussakas, fresh hummus, and Anatolian chicken. mmmmmh…. When we weren’t trying the delicious Turkish cuisine, we were often wandering the Grand Bazaar, shopping for souvenirs. We found that speaking Bambara was the perfect way to stump vendors who wanted to hassle us to buy their wares. We would simply speak to each other in Bambara and to the vendor in broken English so they never had any idea we were American or interested in buying anything in their store. It worked great as a bargaining tool, but more importantly allowed us to relax a bit and have fun instead of getting frustrated with the overzealous bargaining. One vendor said, “Oh, I see, you’re Scottish!” haha!

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Lastly, we enjoyed wandering the spice markets where the smell of curry, saffron, cumin, and many other spices permeate the air.  Warning: just like the supermarket, don’t go there hungry! (Below Right) We also made sure to take a boat trip and visit Asia for a few minutes.

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After, returning to the US, we couldn’t believe we had been on 4 continents in one week! But it was certainly worth the effort. We really enjoyed our trip and look forward to visiting the rest of Turkey in the future :)

~Joye (and James)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Update: So What Now?

Last we heard from our intrepid Peace Corps Volunteers, they had just completed their service and were awfully sad about leaving Mali in such an unexpected and unfortunate way. If this were a blog solely about our Peace Corps service, then this would have been the logical, albeit tragic, ending. But even though we have left Africa, life is still proving to be an adventure.

Joye and I have been back in the States for almost a month now, after making a detour on our route home in Istanbul, Turkey (a travel blog on that later). We arrived on a low profile – no Facebook status updates – because we wanted to surprise my brother Ric for his graduation from Alma College. We had told him that we would travel Turkey for a while, and then maybe return to Africa, so he was pleasantly surprised to see us at a reception at President Abernathy’s house. And since Alma College is also our alma mater, we were able to meet and greet with many friends and professors, many of whom followed this blog. Most asked us an obvious question: so what now?

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Unlike many volunteers who were evacuated with us, we were already developing a plan for after Peace Corps; after all, we only had a few more months to serve. Avid readers may recall that Joye had interviewed with three pharmacy schools during our brief visit last October. After getting accepted at those schools and two more who interviewed her via Skype, she decided on the PharmD program at University of Kentucky in Lexington; a top-tier school with a dual-degree option for a Master’s in Public Health. The fact that we thought  my job prospects were best there also heavily influenced her decision.

After only a week of being back Stateside, we were bestowed with two major blessings. First, I was offered a job as a research economist for CEDIK (Community and Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky), housed in the University of Kentucky’s agricultural economics department, only a ten-minute walk from the pharmacy school. I been communicating with the department since Joye’s interview there and had applied to the position in early March, but the timing worked out perfectly. I plan on starting in July, hopefully after finishing 95% of my Master’s thesis at Michigan State University.

The second blessing was a house-sitting gig down in Lexington, arranged with the help of a fellow volunteer from Mali, which is giving us two weeks to set up shop. Since then, life has been a stressful and inconsistent whirlwind; we still seem to be living out of a suitcase. We stayed for a week with Joye’s family, then for another week with my family (who are moving themselves), before coming down to Lexington, Kentucky – bluegrass, bourbon, and horse capitol of the world. We have almost secured an apartment, almost secured Kentucky driver’s licenses, and have familiarized ourselves with the area. We even took the time to go see the 25th Anniversary production of “Les Miserables” in Cincinnati!

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So now that we’re poised to become Kentuckians, are we definitively dismissing Mali? Absolutely not. We have called our work partners Dorro and Rube a few times since returning just to check up on things. Both Kongodugu and Dububa are safe and remain untouched by the horrific events in Mali’s north or in Bamako; one advantage to living in the middle of nowhere. Also, both of our projects are almost finished. Joye’s mud-brick school is near completion after the head mason was delayed with a bout of malaria, and Rube has overseen the distribution of over half of the trees and is waiting until June for the rest to mature. But they miss us, and we miss them, and we even miss their food, which is something I didn’t expect. Indeed, Mali has secured a place in our hearts, and we’ll see if our adventures ever bring us back there one day.

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But for now, it’s on to Lexington. Thanks for reading.

-James (& Joye)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Pictures: Saying Goodbye

As I walked around our village a few weeks ago, I tried to explain to my Malian friends and neighbors that if the security situation in Mali worsened, Peace Corps could send us back to the States with very little notice. They all laughed and smiled and rapidly assured me that Mali had already returned to a state of peace. “Achata, stop worrying so much!”  Never being ones to turn down the opportunity for a free photo, many of our friends readily agreed to pose,  even though, they assured me, I could wait and take their picture another day when they were wearing better clothes. As it turned out, I found out a few hours later that I needed to pack my bags for consolidation in a  larger town, and a few hours after that that we were being evacuated from Mali. Therefore, I feel so blessed to have been given the opportunity to photograph my friends and document my last moments with these villagers.


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(Above) Before we knew we were leaving, Joye distributed and some French visual aids made by high school students from Deerfield, IL and Jim harvested a couple thousand Moringa seeds for distribution to the village.

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(Above Left) Soulemanye, our young village chief, and a main partner in all our work in Kongodugu. (Above Right) Most of Kongodugu practices Animism. Though we missed the ceremony the previous day where they had sacrificed chickens for the coming rainy season, villagers insisted I get a picture of the elders in their ceremonial outfits.

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Luckily, all our favorite people were hanging out in the village center, which made taking their picture easy! (Above Left) Some village elders hang out at Brahama’s (the carpenter/literacy teacher) workshop (Above Right) Joye’s counterpart Dorro gets his motorcycle fixed by Shila, the head of the maternity committee  (Bottom Left) Jamshe, who helped Joye with health lessons at the literacy center, poses next to a butcher stand.

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(Above Left) Our host mothers dig in to a classic meal of corn toh and red fish sauce (Above Right) Joye stands with her counterpart Dorro and the school project head mason Karim in front of the newly built school. As you can see, the cement was still drying! (Lower Left) Joye holds her best friend Nana’s newborn daughter Rebecca (Lower Right) Joye standing behind the almost finished school. When we left, they had only the cement floor to lay, and by now, its complete!

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~Joye and James

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Reflection: Unexpected Goodbyes

Saying goodbye is never easy, even under normal circumstances. That’s because we fear that when we say goodbye, we may 1) never see an individual again, or 2) see them again, but not get along, because people change. We are really wishing farewell to times shared together, which can always be remembered, but never relived. And that’s difficult.

Saying goodbye to our village too soon, as a result of the unexpected political changes in Mali over the past few weeks, has been one of the most challenging experiences of my life. Describing it seems equally as daunting as I am not sure I have truly dealt with it emotionally. I guess I always imagined that an evacuation would involve an adrenaline rush and maybe a helicopter rescue, but the reality was dealing with an anxiety of uncertainty and attempting to control what events I could. Throughout this entire ordeal, The Serenity Prayer has echoed in my head: “Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

A few days after the coup d’etat (which you can read about in earlier posts), all Peace Corps volunteers got a message to consolidate to their regional capitals as a precautionary measure. Most of us figured that it was to simplify communication during an uncertain time and that we would be released in a few days. However, as the days added up from three, to six, to ten, we began to realize and fear that we may have already visited our village for the last time. For Joye, this meant not seeing her mudbrick school completed, and leaving behind so many unsaid thank-yous. For me, it meant being literally one day away from finishing the financing for a tree-planting project – it should have already been done, but the coup closed the banks on my last day in Duguba. With trouble in the north, and the threat of economic sanctions placed on Mali due to the coup, we distracted ourselves with painting mural and satirical blog posts (see prior entries) to avoid thinking about evacuation.

Then around dinnertime on Sunday we got an important email, which I read aloud to the nine young women of the Koutiala transit house who had been waiting with us for ten days. It said that we could go back to our villages until Friday, but volunteers in the region bordering the northern provinces had to be consolidated to the capital Bamako. Of course, we got ready to go back to Kongodugu, but the situation did not leave us confident that our return would be for long. Joye and I had a heart-to-heart, and decided that we would try to spend every remaining moment in Kongodugu as if it could be potentially be our last, which emotionally, is far easier said than done. But unlike some volunteers, we had control over this time, and therefore we were determined to maximize what time we had left.

But saying goodbye when you are not certain you are leaving is a difficult task. This is especially true in Mali, where people don’t talk about “just in case” scenarios, as they believe that even talking about the possibility of something bad happening makes it more likely to happen. So we stayed hopeful in our conversations, attempted to greet our closest friends, and share an intimate moment with them that in hindsight could be seen as a goodbye. On Tuesday, Joye held newborns, chatted with elders, took pictures of friends, thanked our host family, and encouraged the workers finishing up the school. She found that even the threat of being pulled out early, before we had intended to leave, made her appreciate our small and dusty village for the home it had become.

Meanwhile, I rode to Duguba to finish paying for my tree-planting project. I had already collected a quarter of the money from 25 community organizations, and if I left without delivering my share from a USAID grant, I would have been accidental thief – talk about regrets! The urgency of finishing this work only increased as I recieved periodic call throughout the morning: more volunteers being called in to Bamako, and then an order to return to Koutiala tomorrow, a full 3 days early.

Eating lunch with my work partner Rube, I began speaking as if this would be the last time I’d be helping with this work. I explained that it would be silly to talk this way if I came back next week, but horrible to not talk this way if we were evacuated. He understood, and moreover, he assured me that the work would continue without me. These 2,000 trees, he said, are going to be planted throughout the entire commune, and he promised that he would visit the villages once a month until it has happened. Knowing that he was going to finish the work, even without me, was a great comfort and relief that forced me to choke down tears.

After lunch, Rube and I went to greet the village chief, followed by Liddy, the president of the women’s association who I worked with also. I tried to explain the situation to Rube’s wife, who makes some of the best rice and onion sauce in Mali (so many vegetables!), but she wouldn’t hear it. I thanked her repeatedly anyway. Finally, I bought a round of sodas for Rube and his friends, drank one, shook hands a bit longer than normal and left.

Back in Simona, Joye and I were trying to interpret the intent behind re-consolidating to Koutiala, and going crazy. We found a way rig our cell phone to a branch of our mango tree so that it received a few bars of cell reception, which is ironic considering that we had suffered for over a year and six months without finding that branch. But it turns out the branch only made us suffer more. At dusk, the phone rang, and we learned that Peace Corps Mali was officially being evacuated. We had ten hours, a house to inventory, a village to greet, and as luck would have it, no charge left in our solar battery which lights up our house at night.

Dorro came over just after the call. It was appropriate that he heard the news first. Dorro had been our best friend in village these two years, as our work partner and host father, and if were not for his help, patience, hospitality and leadership, none of our work could have been accomplished. We told him this as he sat mournfully under our hangar, which his own family built for us, and then we tried to explain what happens next – that we’re going to try to recommend another volunteer for Kongodugu who will take most of our stuff, assuming of course that Peace Corps returns after the conflict is over. Maybe within the year, maybe five. Dorro gave blessings in support of the former. He left after dark, but promised to meet us the next morning.

We then decided that because we could not bid farewell to everyone, we needed to say goodbye to the entire village through the village chief. Heavy and tense, we made our way in the dark to the village center, around the empty market, past the mud mosque. Soulymane greeted us with his usual enthusiasm and the school-building mason Karim was also there. Choked with emotion, Joye had asked me to explain, which I did. I also asked them not to share this information for a few days, until we were gone for good. Soulymane walked us all the way home, showing us the road, as they say.

Needless to say, it was one of the most exhausting nights we had ever lived. I had planned on not sleeping, but fell victim to it eventually. Not sure what Peace Corps would be able to pick up later, we packed up everything we wanted, threw out trash, attempted to organize the remains for the next volunteer, and make inventory of what could be donated to villagers. Ideally, we had allotted our final three months to do this, but we got three hours instead. Admittedly interrupted with tearful hugs of encouragement, we did the best we could.

The next morning - our final hour in Kongodugu – we took a final walk into town. The twin Baobob trees near the market, tall and thick and powerful, were stark silhouettes against the pale dawn. The village was only just stirring; the sounds of women pounding their daily meals came in sporadically from all directions. Then Joye reminded me of one person we had yet to greet, Tie Sanou, the wise and respected village blacksmith and elder who had always welcomed our company and supported our service. We found him eating breakfast and quickly shared the news. And to our surprise, he reacted in a way that no elder is supposed to; he voice quivered, his eyes watered, and that was it, but it was enough. We gave us many blessings for future health, many children, and long life, and then showed us the road as well. His was the village’s final gift to me, and I will never forget it.

For us, the day we left Kongodugu was the day we left Mali. After Tie’s farewell, Joye finally gave in and hugged a Malian, our neighbor Miriam, which we probably culturally inappropriate but neither seemed to care. Dorro came and tasted his first Oreo cookie as he loaded up our luggage onto his motorcycle. We followed him on our bikes, past the mudbrick school with its newly finished exterior, along the 45-minute dirt path to the main road. Dorro waited with us until a public bus arrived, helped us load our things, then gave us solemn blessings and a firm handshake. His eyes followed the bus as we pulled away.

Everyone handles goodbyes differently, but no one does it well. We learned this during the next two weeks, which were spent with Peace Corps Mali’s remaining 180 volunteers either waiting at our training facility outside Bamako or at the evacuation transition conference in Accra, Ghana. Many were in denial, some stricken with regret, others completely aloof in public but strangely somber in private. Some felt guilty for abandoning Mali, though their hearts were the most innocent of us all. Even though the evacuation was in fact a thing we could not change, it was hard for us to understand that, and then moreover, be at peace about it. Funny how the human race has invented the wheel, boats, the telephone, electricity, airplanes, and iPhones, but we still haven’t invented a social construct that makes it easy to find peace in unexpected goodbyes and their unintended consequences.

Of course, the other stress weighted on us Peace Corps volunteers was what to do with our lives now that our expected time in Mali has been severed. Over the course of the transition conference in Ghana, some of our volunteer friends were able to transfer to other Peace Corps countries while others made plans to travel or return home. Much like our friends in Kongodugu, we hope that distance will not separate the bond that we have formed during this life-changing experience. We hope that, in fact, we will meet again, and that when we do we will find that we have changed for the better.

And truly there is much to be thankful and hopeful for. Unlike many volunteers, Joye and I had a chance to return to our village, finish our work, and say goodbye, a opportunity for which I will be eternally thankful. And while many volunteers did not find closure in their Malian communities, the transition conference allowed us to find closure amongst each other and, furthermore, to build a support network that will help us transition to life back in the United States. This has been hard, but we have been blessed, and so now our prayers return to Mali.

Goodbye Mali, for now. Get well, and God willing, we will see you soon.

-James (& Joye) Allen

Friday, April 13, 2012

Update: Close of Service


Today was officially our last day as Peace Corps Volunteers. We’ve spent the past 5 days of going to medical and administrative sessions, preparing mentally and emotionally for re-entry to the US, and hanging out with fellow volunteers who have become close friends. Its been a stressful week, with lots of goodbyes, paperwork, and planning, but Peace Corps has also put us up in one of the fanciest hotels in Ghana to make the roller-coaster easier to ride.   (A lot of us are hoping that it will lesson the culture shock going back to the US).  It is a little like graduation all over again, giving hugs to people you’ve spent the last 2 years with and hoping your paths will cross again. Of course, we’re luckier than most volunteers, since we get go back with our best friend.  Many people are going back to the states, some are transferring to other countries, and some are taking this opportunity to travel around for a bit.  However, despite our various plans, it was great to have a few days to hang out together and get some closure before parting ways.


(below) For some stress relief, we went to see the Italian circus (in Ghana?) with 100 other PCVs. It was Joye’s first circus and we had SO much fun!

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(above) Last night, we had a closing soiree with a traditional Ghanaian band/dance company


~Joye and James

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Update: Evacuation

Dear Family and Friends,

Sad update: earlier this week Peace Corps made the decision to evacuate its volunteers from Mali, putting an early end to all of our two-year services.  Though we have been safe, the recent military coup, instability caused by economic sanctions from neighboring countries, and fighting of MLNA and AQIM in the north has convinced Peace Corps administration that it is unwise to continue operations in such an unstable environment. To give you an idea of the gravity 0f this situation, this is the first time in its 41 years of operation that volunteers have ever been evacuated from Mali!

Therefore, with 1 day to say goodbye to our village, we packed up our possessions and were flown to another country today for a 4 day transition conference. It has been an exhausting and very emotional last few days. However, once we gather our thoughts we will write a more thorough explanation/reflection of the unfortunate events of this past week. Please keep Mali in your prayers. We hope that this wonderful peaceful country can soon return to a stable state which would allow aid organizations to continue to operate here.

(NOTE: Please do not send any more packages to our address here as we will not be able to receive them)

~Joye and James

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pictures: Can’t Rain on Our Parade

Ever since Mali’s coup nine days ago, traffic to our blog has increased as people seek to gain insider’s updates to recent events. But the truth is, we are constantly searching for updates ourselves, and otherwise have increasingly become impatient and… well… bored. We are completely safe; outside of Bamako and the Sahara, things have been and remain very peaceful. Rather, we have been waiting for the situation to develop - in the 110 degree heat - trying to analyze news as it comes, because we know that the outcome affects our Malian friends and the rest of our Peace Corps service. Therefore, we have had to find ways to distract our attention in between updates, so here’s what we’ve been up to:

Lately, we’ve kept busy by painting some health murals in the pediatric ward of a local Women’s and Children’s Hospital. One mural encourages pregnant and breastfeeding women to eat nutritious foods while the second emphasizes the importance of hand washing with soap before eating, before cooking, and when leaving the bathroom. 10 volunteers in our region worked for 2 days to brighten up the areas where families are often waiting while their loved ones get diagnosed.

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On another note, we recently visited a Broccoli and Strawberry garden, discovered by Joye’s Mom during their visit. We were thrilled to have a few types of “American” produce that we haven’t found anywhere else in Mali. And yes, they tasted wonderful! :)



Finally, we’re  very excited because we are SOO close to getting our funded projects completed. This past month,  James and his work partner traveled to many villages throughout the commune promoting the PLASA improved tree-planting method and continuing to organize the planting of 2000 trees.  Because of James’ hard work, over 100 people have been thoroughly trained and equipped to plant trees in dry season.


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In Kongodugu, villagers have been turning out every day to continue construction work on the school. So far, the roof has been put in place, doors and windows have been installed, and the cement plaster has been applied to the insides.  Very soon, the 1st-3rd grades will be able to move indoors to study in their new classrooms :)



Let's pray that the situation resolves itself quickly so we can get back to focusing on what's really important. Thanks for reading!

~Joye and James