With every Malian family working hard in their fields this month, we had plenty of time for pictures. Here’s a few more from August.
A big rain storm demolished our newly built mud stove. Sniffle sniffle. But when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. So we took off the broken shards of concrete and made a footpath to our nyegen (the bathroom) since it is annoyingly muddy after rain.
Here are a few pictures of us wearing our matching end-of-Ramadan outfits, which we wore to greet our villagers on their holiday.
We also managed to snap some pictures of our work partners and their families. First, members of our host family cooking up some peanut butter sauce.
Second, James and his work partner Rubé out at his sorghum field (left). And Joye’s work partner Dorro drinking tea with friends on his new land (right).
And a family portrait with Dorro, his two wives, and their six children.
- James (& Joye)
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