Friday, November 5, 2010

Update: Pizza makes the world go round…

Oct 2010 002Well, its back to site for us! We had a great time catching up with family and friends, watching my mom get an outstanding number of votes for state rep (Congrats on all the hard work, Mom!), finishing independent study assignments, watching a movie, and even baking a pizza using pepperoni Joye’s parents sent while at the PC stage house. So now all our batteries are recharged (figuratively and literally) and we’ll be back in village til Thanksgiving. Hope you all are having a great time preparing for the holidays back in good ol’ America :) Thanks again for all your prayers, letters, and support.


~Joye and Jim

1 comment:

  1. Joye and the pizza look genuinely happy and delicious! Nice Job! I'm impressed - the crust looks perfect also - that's always the hardest part for me. Love, Mom A
