Thursday, November 24, 2011

Update: 40 Radio Shows and Counting

Preparing, recording, and broadcasting our bi-weekly rural radio program is probably one of the more significant contributions of our Peace Corps service, though we have not talked about it much here since we started last March. That’s partially because we forget about it, as it does not take up huge amounts of time every week,  but also because we ourselves have trouble seeing its impact. However, every once in a while, a fan of the show will speak up, reminding us that we need to update all our readers on this great activity.

The Background: Despite the fact that many of our other projects cost money and require immense effort, we often have to remind ourselves that our radio show project, started last March,  is probably the most sustainable thing we will do during our service. Twice a week, hundreds of listeners who we will never meet and many of whom are completely illiterate are tuning in to hear what the local Tubabs have to say about development. Because most of our listeners are so rurally located, many of them never attend NGO trainings on maternal & child health, gardening, deforestation, sanitation etc. Many of them are ignorant of small lifestyle changes that could significantly improve their well-being. Thus, the goal of our radio shows is to bring that knowledge to them and present it in an interesting way.

The Format: Our radio shows are always dialogues.  Each show centers around one topic; for example, recently, Joye pretended she wanted to start her own garden while on the show and wanted to ask James’s advice. James then proceeded to explain all the points she needed to consider before choosing a garden plot. Joye asked a lot of questions, especially those covering common Malian misconceptions about gardening, and got all of her answers in full. But 30 minutes of nonstop Bambara can be exhausting, so we break up the show every 10 minutes with American songs straight from our Ipods. Often, we try to theme the music in our shows to explain a little about American culture or teach a little English.

Topics we’ve covered recently on our radio shows include: tree planting, the benefits of the Moringa tree, Improved Shea butter methods, composting, organic pesticide and fertilizer recipes, starting a garden, building a vegetable nursery, the importance of fruits and veggies, baby weighing, the three Malian food groups, breastfeeding, hand washing with soap, treating your water, general sanitation practices, oral rehydration solution for diarrheal diseases, American holidays, American Seasons, germs,  the importance of education, the importance of learning other languages, and English lessons.

The Response: Only a week ago, James was on his way to attend a meeting in Duguba when he was startled by a group of very enthusiastic Malians who were thrilled to meet one of the famous local ‘Tubabs’ who they had been listening to on the radio regularly. The four of them proudly recited phrases they had learned from the English lessons on Joye’s shows. They were also vibrantly excited about and complimentary of the gardening discussions on James’s show, since as it turned out, their association had just started a garden and they was soaking in every piece of gardening advice they could find. Still, the coolest detail they shared was that their village was 20 kilometers (12 miles) from Duguba and 35km from our home in a village James had never even heard of.

Though that was one particularly rewarding encounter, we often hear villagers from all over the area more generally tell us that they listen to our shows and thoroughly enjoy them. Sometimes we’re asked to repeat recipes we’ve talked about on air or give advice about a situation. However, the biggest change we feel that we’ve made is simple awareness of many issues concerning agriculture, health, and education. We’re hoping that this understanding of the issues will lay the groundwork for another volunteer to come after us and continue to encourage people to change their behavior and hence improve their quality of life.

- Joye (& James)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Reflection: To Give or Not to Give

Imagine you’re a Peace Corps volunteer invited to a meeting about the village’s maternity (a three-room clinic for delivering babies). Despite the fact that it was built and fully equipped by an NGO only five years ago, the group tells you gravely that there are major problems that require urgent attention. The solar battery died so there is no light, there is only one bed so on busy nights babies are delivered on mats, and deliveries are dirtied by the fact that the nearest source of water is a pump five minutes away. After listing these problems, they then ask you to give money to their association to fulfill these needs. To give or not to give?

I think the first instinct is to give. After all, these are some major problems: babies born on the floor, in the dark, and without water to clean the area. That kind of environment puts both the newborns and mothers at risk of complications that could result in death. You would have to be a pretty terrible person to have the means to prevent this suffering and yet ignore it.

But if that’s true, then why hasn’t the association done anything about it themselves? After all, you point out, a suitable extra bed could be bought for $5, and villagers are replacing their solar batteries all the time. At this point, the association tells you they’re broke because no one pays for the birthing services, pre- or post-natal consultations, or for the medicine. As for the water, you suggest that soon-to-be fathers could simply cart in 100 liters of water with their donkey carts prior to the birth. To this, the association laughs at you. Don’t be ridiculous, they say.

You, the reader, have probably figured out by now that this is a true story. In fact, it happened to us three days ago. But it is only one example of a time when we have left a meeting wondering: “What does it mean to help these people? What is development anyway?”

Sometimes, we think that development is about fulfilling basic human needs or realizing basic human rights. In a moment of frustration last week, I had to remind myself that “human rights are things every people deserves, even if they’re a pain in the butt,” – things such as clean water, adequate food, or a clean birth. And if these things should truly be given unconditionally, then when in doubt, they should be handed-out. This is what the NGO had in mind when they built the maternity five years ago, and what many NGOs do everyday as they almost indiscriminately give villages cash in order to help their schools, health centers, or improve sanitation.

It breaks the heart of almost every Peace Corps volunteer when they learn that this method has adverse and unintended consequences. First, it has created a mindset of dependency among the poor – they say, we can’t do it ourselves; we need the help. Worse yet, this can often develop into laziness over time – why do it ourselves if someone will come and do it for us? These lessons are then transferred into other aspects of life, discouraging innovation and entrepreneurship. Certain Malians realize that can make a living of “hanging around” NGOs, while others work hard to be self-sufficient only to be beat out by the former. In short, when executed poorly, hand-outs lower individual’s incentives to try hard and exacerbate the problem.

Hence, why the maternity association had not done the work collecting the money, and why many villagers were ignoring paying their debts. Because they figured that when things got bad an NGO – the one who built the maternity or some other – would come around and fix it. I know this seems like a harsh analysis, but sadly, it is the truth for a lot of development work. It’s not that the villagers are immoral people, but it’s that their incentives to work for themselves have been replaced by hand-outs.

This is where Peace Corps and a lot of other organizations come in with a different approach dubbed “sustainable development.” The goal here is to encourage behavior change and capacity building with villagers that will last long after the project is in place. In the spirit of this approach, I hope to work with the maternity association to help them collect payments and turn profit. Once they have a system in place, they will be able to manage their own problems themselves, without the help of outsiders. This is also why we do many educational trainings on topics like hand-washing with soap and nutrition – because no amount of donated food or soap will help if people do not understand how to utilize them properly.

However, we are often tormented with how hard this concept is in reality. First of all, it often means holding back immediate assistance, even if it is desperately needed. It might be six months before that association buys another bed, and until then am I responsible for all the babies born on the floor? Moreover, we have found that sometimes villagers do not want to be “sustainable,” but either the matter is not important enough or they rather wait for another NGO to the fix the problem. For example, after we fixed the pumps in our village, we organized a committee to collect (very reasonable) monthly dues from every household so that next time the village can fix it themselves. This was an attempt to make our work sustainable, but yet we are finding that most villagers refuse to pay and many committee members don’t take their job seriously. At the present rate, it seems unlikely that the committee will function long enough to actually repair a broken pump. So next time the pumps break, and children are getting diarrhea from dirty well water, what will be the moral thing to do – to give or not to give?

You have probably heard it said: “Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he can eat for a lifetime.” As it relates to development, the saying hints at the difference between hand-outs and sustainability.

But as we are learning, painfully and slowly, it is not one or the other. Rather, it is a matter of which blend of these two philosophies is most appropriate in the present situation. Determining this level requires a judgment call, based on a knowledge of the people involved, the crises at hand, and predictions of the short- and long-term effects. It is a draining and difficult process, one we are far from mastering, and one we tried to keep centered on loving those who we serve.

There is much more we wish to discuss on this subject, because we see so much misunderstanding about what development is or should be from both sides of the world. And yet, it is a goal we must continue to seek for the betterment of millions of people who do, in fact, live without our most basic human rights.

Thank you for reading and commenting below.

-James (& Joye)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Update: Little Dresses for Africa

For those who haven’t heard of Little Dresses for Africa, it is a Christian organization which distributes simple dresses to Africa, which are sown by Americans (in Bible Studies or Girls Scout Troops), using the linen from spare pillowcases. To date, they have received and given over a half million dresses in over 31 African countries! And since many women involved in this effort live near Joye’s hometown, we were asked to bring some dresses to Kongodugu.

We were excited to give the dresses to the girls in our village, but we were also apprehensive about reinforcing the “hand-out” mentality that haunts many Peace Corps Volunteers. So, we had to think creatively. How can we give these dresses out in a way that not only demonstrates the love in which they were sewn, but also encourages sustainable development? We found the answer in Joye’s work as an education volunteer.

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Girls have it rough in the Malian education system. The boy to girl ratio is 1:1 in the 1st grade, mainly to what we attribute as “the daycare effect” (what good is a six-year-old out in the fields?), but by the 5th grade the ratio is 6:1! Why? Because as the girls become old enough to become useful, their parents yank ‘em out of class and strap on the apron (this is a metaphor, of course, Malians don’t cook with aprons). The girls themselves also get discouraged because they are dismissed by their teachers and are often teased by their not-in-school peers.

So, after discussing the matter with the village school board, we decided to give a dress to every girl that enrolled in the primary school this year, 1st through 6th grades. It made the girls proud of their education thus far and demonstrated the importance of educating girls to our village. Each girl was especially excited since they received a new dress only a few days before the biggest Malian holiday. While many families won’t be able to afford new clothes this year due to the drought, these girls will proudly be wearing their beautiful dresses. October 2011 033


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Most of the girls didn’t react when we handed them the dress; showing emotion during gift-giving is not really Malian custom. But we saw their excitement in other ways: the way they all wore their dresses the next day, the way they flaunted their dresses while at market, and the way they all ran home thrilled to show their parents. So on behalf of the schoolgirls of Kongodugu to the tailors behind Little Dresses for Africa : “I ni ce! I ni baraji!” which means "Thank you and bless you.”

Thanks for reading!

-James & Joye

Update: Back to Middle School

After 36 hours in transit to Bamako and another 2 days to get back to our village, Jim and I were very ready to get back, rest, and catch up on what we’d missed. It didn’t take long to notice some differences in only a month. In fact, on our bike ride in, we noticed some temporary outdoor hangers set up adjacent to the elementary school.

Well, long story short, we now have a middle school (grades 7-9) in our village! About a week after we left, and due to the persistent lobbying of our school board president, Kongodugu was approved by the regional government to open a middle school.  This is extremely meaningful to the people in Kongodugu.  Until now, families have had to make a difficult choice: to keep their teens around as valuable farm hands to help with the harvest and chores or to send them 15km away to school with enough money to appease the host family who would give them food and a place to sleep for the next 9 months. Now,  families can send these teens to school, but can also use their help in the fields 2-3 days/week.

When we first arrived in Kongodugu, it was clear that the people of the village expected us to build them a middle school. It was the reason they had requested a volunteer and Malians are very accustomed to foreigners coming in, not asking a lot of questions, spending lots of money, and building shiny new buildings. When we asked who would pay the teachers to fill those classrooms, they responded with an “if we build it they will come” philosophy. “Just build us a school and then there’s no way the regional government can refuse to pay teachers to teach here.”  It was obvious that they hadn’t thought past the building yet. However, Peace Corps always stresses the importance of building sustainable communities, who can take care of their own schools, their own health care, their own water, etc. A building wouldn’t work without teachers or a supportive  community. Therefore, in the end, we decided that if we went ahead and built a school building, we would be reinforcing negative stereotypes that Malians could get anything they wanted without working for it, as long as they complained enough to the “tubabs” (foreigners). Instead, we tried to encourage the school board to meet, encourage the teachers to actually go to class, and improve the adult literacy clubs. Our hope was to increase general enthusiasm for education in the village and motivate them to start working toward getting a middle school on their own.   October 2011 020 October 2011 023 October 2011 025 October 2011 024

Now, over a year later, the village school board (with some help from Jim) has succeeded in convincing the regional government of the necessity of a middle school in our village. Within a week of the approval, the village got together and built 3 temporary outdoor hangers to be used as classrooms and found families to host and feed the new middle school teachers. One family even moved out of their home to give it to the new principal. Though they certainly have their faults and can be very unorganized and downright lazy when they don’t want to do something, we have gained a lot of respect for our villagers in the last few weeks. It has also been a great lesson for the villagers on the school board: they don’t need to sit and wait for tubabs to solve all of their problems. With hard work and perseverance, they can make huge improvements to the village on their own!

The other fun part of all of this is that Joye and Jim are filling in for the English teacher (who never showed up) a few hours every week. Joye’s just started teaching English in the 8th and 9th grade and is enjoying polishing up on her rusty French. Jim, who had previously vowed NEVER to teach middle school, is now teaching in the 7th grade and finding that 13 year olds aren’t ALL bad.  So far, its fun to have a more structured activity built into our week, but we’ll let you know how it goes :)

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Thanks for reading!

-Joye (& Jim)