Monday, August 16, 2010

Pictures: Site Visit


                                           Training 031Training 038

(1) Jim Eating To, the traditional Malian dish, People say that after you have been here for a few months you get used to it, but let’s just say we’re excited to start cooking for ourselves.

(2) Joye getting water for her evening shower from the pump.



Training 034

Training 035



(1)We had a bit of time on our hands during Site Visit so Joye gave Jim a much needed haircut.

(2) The final product:  Not bad for her first time ever cutting someone’s hair! ;)



Training 042

The BEAUTIFUL mango tree in front of our house!


Training 045

On a hill looking over the regional capital. Since its rainy season, everything is so green!


  1. You're rockin' it Joye! Keep up the great updates, you two.

  2. (errr, btw, this is Alicia from IES Nantes)

  3. I love seeing your pictures! I'm sure it will be very interesting to watch the seasons pass in Mali, and I look forward to hearing about the mangoes your tree produces. I have a question: you've been mentioning clothing every once in a while, which make me wonder 1) what the typical Malian dress is, and 2) how strictly it is recommended that you conform to this cultural dress code?

    Last week I went to the French Consulate and send in my passport - hopefully I'll receive my work visa for France in the next week! Now I need to working on finding housing in Dijon, the city where I will be living.

  4. I'm impressed with your hair cutting/style skills, Joye. Maybe you have found your true calling in life - ha. You two look thin, not enough to? I'm anxious for you to eat alot of mangos off that tree - beautiful tree!! Love you both - Mom Allen

  5. Very impressed by your hair-cutting skills, Joye - I've only ever dared to give Marc a cut with the razor, figure I can't mess up that way! Thanks for continuing to update us on your adventures! Love to you both, Sarah.

  6. Hey Julie, I'll post about Malian dress code very soon but I'll sum up quickly. Since its a muslim country, you must cover your knees, shoulders, and if your married, your head. Peace Corps strongly strongly recommends you do all this in village so you dont lose the respect of the people you are working with.
