Thursday, June 17, 2010

Guest: How Our Parents Feel

A lot of people have asked Joye and me: "What do your parents feel about you leaving for the Peace Corps?" which I thought that would make for an enjoyable blog post. So, I asked them to think about their ideal answer when people ask them that question and here is how they responded.

Cindy Kallgren (Joye’s mother):
I have mixed emotions. First I think, Wow! what an opportunity for a young couple to experience the adventure of a lifetime, and make memories they will refer back to for years. I was thinking this morning that at this time in my married life (compared to Joye and Jim's), I was already 1 month along with Scottie and really unable to travel to anyplace very rough. So I am glad you are enjoying this time when the traveling is easier. Who me nervous? Desert Heat, no AC, no electricity or running water, no communication? What could a mother possibly be nervous about? Well, all I can say is when you two want to get away from it really DO!

Scott Kallgren (Joye’s father):
How awesome it will be one day for Jim and Joye to tell the next generation about their years in Africa as they began their journey together! I truly admire their determination to make a difference in this world and to give back for all the blessings they have received. I’ll probably blubber a bit the moment I realize that visiting them is not as easy as driving up I-96 in a couple hours. (Skype doesn’t substitute for a good hug.) God willing, we will make our first visit to Africa sometime in the next 27 months, and let them culture us as Joye did when we visited France a couple years ago.

Jim & Debra Allen (my parents):
As the parents of Jim (& Joye), we have been asked “How do you feel about Jim and Joye going to Mali, Africa for the next two plus years with the Peace Corps?” We both deeply feel that Jim and Joye are as prepared for this adventure of a lifetime as any couple can be. We will miss them tremendously but hope to have some communication through email, blog and/or skype. We send them with our love and prayers for God’s blessings and grace. We will await their return to us safe and healthy!

Thank you for reading. Next time, look forward to seeing us post the “winners” of our Peace Corps Book List event on Facebook. Until then, God bless.


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